Landmark Christmas trees!
You think your Christmas trees pretty impressive, don’t you? I bet you think it’s the most fly tree in town. You’ve poured hours into decorating it, you’ve chosen the color scheme, and it’s everything you’ve ever dreamed of. In fact, you may be so intelligent, and keen for it to look perfect, that you asked us to do it for you! No shame in that, just means you wanted your tree to look the business. Sadly, we’ve got some terrible news for you. You’re trees amazing. Honestly, it is. It’s just not the best. We’re talking best in the country here. It might be the best in New Malden, but it’s definitely not the best in England! Why’s that you ask? Well, that would be because it’s not a landmark tree. Just stop for a minute and check these out, then you can tell me if your trees still the mutts nuts.
St Pancras
This Christmas tree is a monumental, half and half Christmas tree that's being decorated by a giant, color-coordinated robot on a step a giant robot friendly step ladder. You see this right? This is what can be achieved with a Christmas tree, and possibly a designer with a rather hefty budget.Nobo Hotel
Here’s one for fans of artificial trees (yuck.) However, this is more than a standard artificial tree. This postmodern masterpiece created for the Nobo hotel in Shoreditch says Christmas in a very Shoreditch way, by hardly saying Christmas at all really. We dig it. It might not be your style, but I think it might be a little better than yours.Trafalgar Square
Another injustice would be forgetting the Trafalgar Square Christmas tree. It may be simple in it’s aesthetic but what a sight to behold! The beauty is the whole thing coming together with one of Londons most precious landmarks. If you’re in the area, you’d be a fool not to pop by and breath in that Christmas magic.The White House
Finally, here’s the famous Washington D.C Christmas tree. Obviously, being America bigger is better, and I think, in this case, we have to agree. This has been a much-loved feature of the state since 1923, and we can totally see why! Look how it dwarves those tiny trees beneath it. Hopefully, they have one this year, we’re not sure on Trump’s current policies regarding Nordic migrants.
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