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Christmas Trade Shows with Pines and Needles

Christmas Trade Shows Bonanza

We love Christmas and we love Christmas Trees, but one highlight of our Year are the Christmas Trade Shows. Nothing beats checking out the latest and newest ideas for Christmas. At Pines and Needles we pride ourselves not just on a Traditional Christmas, but also on a modern, fun, economical and green Christmas. So much goes into the planning. We are mainly focused on giving our customers beautiful Christmas Trees for their living rooms, hallways, kitchens and gardens. All needs planning well in advance and even though it's June now - we're well underway and have been for several months already. Trade Fairs or Shows form part of the preparation and, to let out a small secret, the two biggest Christmas trade shows are Harrogate and the Spring Fair at the NEC.


Christmas Trade Shows and Pines and Needles


Harrogate Christmas Trade Shows

Was actually held in January. We pitch straight from our new year to Harrogate, if you thought we were off skiing after all the hard work was over, sadly, there's no time to lose.  Harrogate is where we're headed and we love it.  There's everything from Decorations to Stand, Tree Lights to Gingerbread men and Christmas Cards.  This year was a bumper year and we're on course for a major festival in 2019.


Harrogate Christmas Trade Shows with Pines and Needles

Spring Fair, NEC

Just a few weeks later in February each year, you'll find us in Birmingham at the largest Exhibition Hall in Europe. Touring this major Christmas trade show is quite awesome, there is everything from Stationary to Houseware. We're mostly focused on Christmas and there is a major section devoted to just Seasonal products. What we're really after by visiting Christmas Trade Shows are ideas.  What will you be buying in the forthcoming season?  We have always believed we are here to give you the products you want and our traditional growth just about proves we've got this right. Rest assured - a lot goes on at Pines and Needles to prepare for the next season. Months in advance we are constantly looking to new ideas, products and fun things to add to our line up.  You're in good hands. Goodwill to all.

Spring Fair Christmas Show with Pines and Needles

Christmas in July

And coming up we have Christmas in July where we will be visiting the Business Design Centre in London.  The Festival for Christmas brings together all the Brands, Journalists and PR agencies to one single place for all that Press Coverage we want to be a part of.  In short, it's just a beautiful festival to attend.

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